2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: companion plants grow along with ginseng

companion plants grow along with ginseng 9 years 10 months ago #34829

Just wondering if anyone plants any type of cover crop along with wild sim ginseng i have planted some cohosh along the borders of my patches to help shade and hide my ginseng from deer since they dont normally eat it

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Re:companion plants grow along with ginseng 9 years 10 months ago #34830

Very good idea Leebros,

Any seeds that I plant anymore are just random, here and there. I like to scratch out spots that border companion plants like cohosh and goldenseal. I also like to get beneath understory bushes and put down a few seed. It's my belief that a lot of the companion plants helps fight the diseases and also wicks away a lot of the moisture that ginseng definetly doesn't need.


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Re:companion plants grow along with ginseng 9 years 10 months ago #34834


I have not planted companion plants myself... but I am planting similar to root man, putting in very small plantings just here and there.

I cruised my property and marked the location of patches of maidenhair fern in the summer or early fall and then plant small patches in and around the MHF patches.

I personally think that MHF is one of the best, if not the best companion plants.


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Re:companion plants grow along with ginseng 9 years 10 months ago #34836

Hi all I plant white baneberry with my seng . The seeds are poison thought it would help keep all the things away that eats seng

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Re:companion plants grow along with ginseng 9 years 10 months ago #34837

I should say I do not beleve in poisoning things . Our furry friends seems to just know what plants not to be around

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Re:companion plants grow along with ginseng 9 years 10 months ago #34838

I don't believe in it either Pappy, but I do have a few castor beans I'm planning on

dropping about in the areas where I have a few seeds.. Just in case..

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Re:companion plants grow along with ginseng 9 years 10 months ago #34839

If you don't deer hunt then mix some coyote urine with some dish soap and spray at the bases of trees every few weeks helps keep the deer away, other critters don't care they climb trees or live in holes

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Re:companion plants grow along with ginseng 9 years 10 months ago #34841

This isn't really companion planting, but observation...I know in my woods, I have noticed that previous hunters had planted apple trees for the deers typically near areas they wanted to hunt. Since much of the hunting in my area has stopped, we still have loads of deer, but they do seem to go after the old apple trees. Just a thought, you might want to use the old planting apple trees (and or salt lick) trick to draw them away from where you planted. Good luck and let us know what you tried and if anything worked!

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Re:companion plants grow along with ginseng 9 years 10 months ago #34869

I have Black Cohosh, and Goldenseal, in a couple of patches. Seperate patches..

that way, when people ask me what we are growing in those woods... I can tell them these two herbs, and omit the ginseng from the cnversation. And I don't have to lie to anybody. The \"woodland herbs\" covers a lot of ground.

We are thinking about innoculating some of the patches with hen-of-the-woods and other mushrooms as well.

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