If putting up some kind of fence around some or all of your' Ginseng is not possible due to cost constraints, too visible to poachers or other reasons, then I believe that tin roofing will work. Just buy up as much old tin roofing that you can or barter with farmers by tearing down a barns or sheds they want removed where you get to keep the tin roofing and any other materials you want or need. Rake the leaves back around the perimeter of the Ginseng beds or plots, making sure to leave some rocks. Then lay the tin roofing flat on the ground all the way around the beds or plots, then cover with leaves. The rocks underneath should allow the tin to crinkle and make sounds whenever stepped on. When a Deer and some other animals step on the tin roofing, they should spook and then stay away from that location probably for the rest of their' lives. The Pros is that it is a somewhat cheaper solution to the problem which is less visible to poachers. However, the Cons is if a poacher happens to step on the tin roofing, they will know something is up and may investigate.