Hugh, I live near Vonore TN. I've met you before on the Middle prong once while fly fishing and again at Little River Outfitters but, that's been several years ago. You also netted a big brown for my dad on the South Holsten once... because he never carries a net. I shot that hog right at dark the night after our snow. 2 came in and I shot this one and the other one, a big boar, ran straight at me but, I missed it because my darned scope fogged up after the first shot.
A shallow growing sang doesn't stand a chance against these vermin. I'm pretty sure they actually eat the root too because if they were just rooting them up looking for grubs I should find the roots but, I never do. They also break off the necks on deeper roots that they don't actually get rooted up.
Their also in my hay field and I have to change the knives on my mowing machine everytime after I finish mowing it. I break the \"fingers\" off my rake all the time and it's a matter of time before it causes major damage to my $30,000 baler that I honestly can't afford to replace. I try to work around the damage but, it gets so bad that I won't have enough hay to do me if I don't cut it. When I do disk it and resow it they come back in droves. Freshly turned dirt to a hog must smell like a BBQ grill to us.
Frank, I've just been slinging the ashes over a big area. I don't think I've put enough on the soil to really make a big diffrence but, it still makes me feel like I'm doing \"something\" if you know what I mean. Thanks for that info tho. I didn't know all that.