2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: Possibly a Cabin in the Make

Possibly a Cabin in the Make 11 years 3 months ago #26498

I have been kicking around an idea of building a cabin for about a year now. My son is all for it and I have a great spot high on a ridge top,facing east toward the morning sun, overlooking all the hills and hollows around. I built a 12x12 when I was a teenager for me and my friends to hang out in but Im thinking about a 18x25 or something of that nature. I'll for sure have a wood stove, several bunks or beds, a good size porch overhanging the hillside,a kitchen area,a few niceties but not enough to take away from it's purpose and I may have electric run to it or a generator. Metal roof, rough sawn lumber for walls and moderate insulation for winter.Come to think of it, probably a shed housing a small generator because running electric that far would be too costly \"probably more than everything else put together\".
I was thinking maybe a few of my ginseng/growing buddies here would like to come down for a weekend whenever it might be complete. That would be pretty cool I think. If everybody had a good time, maybe we could plan on something like that every year. Just a thought.


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Re:Possibly a Cabin in the Make 11 years 3 months ago #26501

can you post a google sat shot of where you going to put it/ also hell ill come help build for a week end. ill come help with ur work just to get out of mine.

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Re:Possibly a Cabin in the Make 11 years 3 months ago #26503


Sounds like a nice spot you have picked out.

When I was 14 years old I saw the movie Jeremiah Johnson the first time. I was already crazy about being in the woods and determined then that I was going to be a mountain man when I grew up :-)

I started that spring with nothing but a axe and determination and built a log cabin in the woods behind my house, at the edge of a pine thicket. Me and my brother and friends mostly played back there, camped out, etc and did a lot of squirrel and deer hunting. There was enough room in it for 2-3 sleeping bags. I think it was around 10'x12' and had a door and one window.

I moved most of the smaller logs by flipping them end over end. Then later on found about 15 ft of steel cable and rigged up a lever type device that would let me move the larger logs about 1' at a pull. Some of the trees that I cut 30-40 yards away from the spot, it took me days to get moved to the cabin.

I was determined though, and did 95% of the work by myself, with a few friends and my brother helping out some. I got real good with an axe that summer and fall. The cabin was built in 1975.

The picture below was taken in 1982 which was several years after I built it, and it was starting to break down some then. Pine does not last long (un-treated). Last time I was back in those woods the only part that you could still see was some of the tin on the ground.

Good Luck on your Project. I have some fond memories of the days when I built mine.



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Re:Possibly a Cabin in the Make 11 years 3 months ago #26506

I'd be glad to get together with y9ou Hillhopper. I'd look forward to seeing your hideaway. Just let me know when you are ready to party! LOL

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Re:Possibly a Cabin in the Make 11 years 3 months ago #26536

I would say by the time Im finished I would appreciate the help lol

Jeremiah would have been very proud of that cabin. Nice work there,especially for a young boy!

I'd be glad to have you. B.Y.O.S......\"shine that is\"
Just kiddin, I have plenty of that


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