yeehaw21 wrote:I ordered some stratified ginseng seeds last year and never got time to plant them. I've had them in the refrigerator and now they've been held over for a year. Back during the spring, I noticed that the seeds had started to try to split open. I put them further back in the refrigerator and they never tried to open further. I did the float test tonight and though I had to get rid of some, most sank to the bottom. Should I go ahead and plant these seeds this year, or am I wasting my time? I was hoping to get them out right after Thanksgiving when I am off from work.
Yes by all means plant them! I ordered a half pound of stratified seeds from Wildgrown in the fall of 2011 and did not get around to planting them until the fall of 2012. Ginseng seeds have a normal 18 months dormancy period before they will germinate and emerge, so there is no problem with planting them this year. I never got to the high locations this year where I planted some of my' seeds last year to check out how many came up but down low in the mountain hollow where I planted, the germination rate was very high with lots of flat tops (three leafers on one stem) all over the place. I soaked mine in water for 24 hours, drained the water off, then planted them and I would recommend the same!