I would suggest you do use copper. I normally go in to the beds pre-emergent and spray the beds with Kocide (copper) to burn off any fungal growth or spores that might have over wintered on the dead vegitation on top of the beds.
Then, when the seedlings are about half emerged, I spray Dythane (a protectant) to help hold down early hotspots because of rain splashing. After the seedlings are fully emerged, I often go in with a doze of Ridomil and then another Dythane treatment.
At that point, I may not have to spray again that year. Often though, about the end of June or so I'll have to spray Ridomil or Bravo again. If I start seeing Alternaria, I'll go back with Kocide. Later, if I see signs of root disease such as phythophora, I'll use Aliette.
I've never been in a situation where my ginseng has suffered for the use of sprays in the small amount I put on. The heaviest spray of the year is that first pre-emergent copper treatment. I want that to coat everything, and wash down into the soil a little. By the time the spring rains are over, I doubt you could find much evidence it was ever there.