Try taking the dealer approach, how much are you paying for ginseng seed next year? I'm going to start out offering about 60-80 bucks a pound to my seed suppliers, if i cant get seed at a low cost i will simply have to go out and pick my own. The retail price for wild ginseng is going thru the roof this year, just go to some ginseng websites and see for yourself, but for the most part the price recieved in the 2012 season was less than proportional to what their markup is. so even at 600-700 a pound the grower/digger gets screwed. Selling even 1lb of wild ginseng at todays retail value will justify getting a dealers license, building a website, getting a paypal account and/or selling on ebay. I already have a standing order for 10lbs fresh ginseng next fall, there is a huge potential for direct marketing of wild-simulated ginseng here in the U.S. I feel that drought will have some impact on seed prices.........I am sure that there will be a mountain made from a molehill by the re-sellers of seed. Best advice is to buy direct from the farm.