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TOPIC: 80 Days and counting

55 Days and counting 11 years 7 months ago #22037

Hey Guys..

I agree completely except on the # of days - that is if you are talking until seng up.

For me (based on the past two springs) I should have some showing up around March 20 (around 55 days from now).

The last two years I have found my first 3 leafers up on 3/20/2011 and then on 3/19/2012.

Here is a couple of pics of those early birds down here in Southern Middle TN.

That one was up on 3/20/2011.

You all could move on down south here a little and get your spring a little earlier :-)


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55 Days and counting 11 years 7 months ago #22038

This one was up on 3/19/2012.

And.... someone else actually posted here that they had found some up and then I went looking and found those. If I had started looking a little earlier might have found these sooner.

I will have to get out and look some around March 15 or so and see if I can be the first to find some up this year !!!


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Re:55 Days and counting 11 years 7 months ago #22039

Lol, almost sounds like a challenge. Your on TN.;) Actually, it is the same one I find up on the 19th every year. I guess it depends on the weather but it has hit the same day for the past two years but not a day earlier. It's funny how that can be, 365 days between times but that lil booger knows when he's ready.

I haven't been on the forum in awhile and I seen earlier that Whitjr was asking about my planting a week or so back. I'll try to post some photos soon, We are planting now but haven't yet finished. The weather has been holding things up a bit.

C-ya fellas

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Re:80 Days and counting 11 years 7 months ago #22040

It's usually around April the 10th here in southeastern Ky. before ginseng emerges. I live in one of those colder spots where spring comes 2 weeks later than a spot maybe just 10 miles away.
Looking forward to mushroom hunting also.


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Re:80 Days and counting 11 years 7 months ago #22041

I'll be happy to see some popping up around early May. I just drove by one of my spots that has 2-3' of snow on it! I woke up to -10 degrees yesterday. It was a balmy -4 this morning.

I hope things work out for you Billy. I'll be looking for something very similar in the next few years.

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Re:80 Days and counting 11 years 7 months ago #22042

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Thanks Guys and Hugh I do appreciate your prayer about this and advice well taking.I fell to mention Hugh that if I buy this I am going to move over their as well to the area I love it their,I was so excited talking bout the land that I forgot to mention that it has a nice 3 bedroom home a 2 bedroom trailer and 2 other prepared hookups for other homes,it has a very nice barn already their and would be great for storage etc.... it also has two buildings and a dryer trailer for drying off roots already their in good shape.I got excited about the land and did not mention the other things,but then that is why I am in prayer excitment may overtake wisdom but the Lord never fails if we get our answers from him he knows all things.

Tn: Them little fellows cam up early,you know I have never went wild seng scouting that early in the Mountians I usaly wait longer but that just shows you one more thing you can enjoy with plants on your land early siteings a big plus for all of us who love the plant as we do.

Rootman - I had never caught that you liked shrooming/mushrooms I to love them and I am always excited waiting for the early ones to appear :)
Have you ever read the book -Edible Mushrooms of North America- by David Fisher & Alan Bessette ?

I recomend the book highly to any one already into or any one getting interested in Mushrooms I bought a copy and love it,,David has a website at americanmushrooms.com/ a excellent shroom/shroomers site


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Re:80 Days and counting 11 years 7 months ago #22043

Yes, I do love mushrooming. I grew some shitake for about 3 years but didn't like them as well as the wild oysters that grew on decaying poplar and maples and they are free.
I also have a chicken of the woods that comes up every year that is tasty but let's face it you just can't beat the good old yellow morels.

I don't have the David Fisher book which is really great but I do have the National Audubon field guide to the North American Mushrooms by Gary H. Lincoff. with about 925 pages.

Really looking forward to spring.

Billy, I'd say if you think you can swing the property, go for it.


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Re:80 Days and counting 11 years 7 months ago #22044

I feel one of the most important things to people like us here is natural room to roam. I had rather live in a tool shed on a thousand acres as I had a mansion setting on just one. But, with that said, you can't enjoy it if it creates a worry financially. I don't know the circumstance but if it looks to be feasible then I would go for it. Good luck with your decision bud


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Re:80 Days and counting 11 years 7 months ago #22045


On those early birds - it is odd that only a very few come up that early and most of the rest wait until the first week in April.

I did not notice your post on the opportunity you have and your request for prayer on the decision until I went back and read the previous page of post.

The Bible actually addresses financial issues quite well and as you know it is the best place to actually get wisedom from.

Below is some information I put together for you and I hope it helps you out.


Proverbs 22:7 - The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is a slave to the lender.

TNhunter - The older I get (I am 51 now)- the more I dispise debt. My only debt is my home at this point and I am making good progress on it - should be paid off in the next 5 years. I agree with Dave Ramsey on debt - that you should avoid it completely if possible, with exceptions to that being something like Land/Home and then you finance it for as short a period as possible and pay it off ASAP.

Ecclesiastes 11:1 - Send your bread on the surface of the waters, for after many days you may find it.

TNhunter - At first reading that one may not be so clear to you.. below is some commentary on that verse.

Here is a call to faith. Solomon advises us that the use of faith will always contain an element of risk of loss because we do not know the end from the beginning. We can only vaguely conceive the future. We have a desire for eternity within us. We wish to have insight into how our present situations will be resolved, but we do not know the complete answer.

Therefore, Solomon says it will never work out right unless we decisively commit ourselves to live by faith: \"Cast your bread upon the water.\" Cast your lot with God; take the risk.

If we do this, it will demand commitment in the same way a businessman must commit to his investment if he wants to make a profit. What if a businessman commits his capital to some investment and fails to ensure the business makes a profit by devoting his time and energies to it's success? The endeavor will fail.

Ecclesiastes 11:2 - Divide your portion to seven or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth.

TNhunter - Don't put all of your money in roots or Ginseng my friend - spread it around some (7 or 8 different ways) - need to diversify :-)

Ecclesiastes 5:13-15 - There is a sickening tragedy I have seen under the sun... That wealth was lost in a bad venture, so when he fathered a son, he was empty-handed.

TNhunter - that one sort of speaks for itself.. do your best to determine that you can make this a good venture before pulling the trigger.

Jeremiah 33:3 - Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and mighty things you do not know.
Psalms 32:8 - I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
Psalms 119:24 - Your statutes are my delight; they are my counselors.
Psalms 119:98 - Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are always with me.
Proverbs 12:15 - A fool's way is right in his own eyes, but whoever listens to counsel is wise.
Psalms 37:30 - The godly man is a good counselor; because he is just and fair and knows right from wrong.

TNhunter - when facing a very important decision like yours - seek counsel from 3 sources. The counsel of the Lord, The counsel of Gods word, Then counsel of Godly people (who are experienced in the area in which you are attempting to make a decision on).

James 1:5-6 - Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith without doubting. For the doubter is like the surging sea, driven and tossed by the wind.

TNhunter - I have lifted you up friend and will continue to do so.
Remember that God often speaks in a still small voice, and that the world is busy and loud and distracting.
Jesus himself often broke away from the crowd and went up on the mountain to pray.
When seeking Godly counsel consider men that you know to be godly and also experienced in realestate dealings and have them give you their honest opinion on this venture that you are considering.

I do hope that it works out for you brother !

The part that sticks in my mind is 20 acres of ideal ginseng growing area.

In Scotts book he gives some details on what to expect from 1/2 acre of wild ginseng (giving detail of cost and profit) over the 9 year period. Net Profit was 20,460.00

Some of his cost may be a little low for today, but he also priced the ginseng at 350.00/lb which may be a little low for today too.

With 20 acres of ideal ginseng growing area - you have 40 (half acres).

If you took a farily conservative estimate... say 10,000.00 per half acre x 40 = 400,000.00

That is exciting... but to get there (as you know) it is going to take a lot of hard work and patience (9 years) and there are lots of risk (disease, pest, theives, etc).

On the hard work part... as you know when it's something you really enjoy doing - it takes most of the hard out of the work.

Best of Luck Billy !


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Re:80 Days and counting 11 years 7 months ago #22046

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  • Billy Taylor from Bell County Ky
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Rootman - Free shrooms is realy good aint it :) In the spring I like to go collect Crows foot,Bears Lettece & Ramps (dark green leafy vegtables excellent for the digestive system)then get some Morrels Yellows and Blacks my faorite mushroom then go to the Creek/Stream and catch a few bluegill to the fry emmm emm man i love the Spring and the first harvest every season is my Mountian Vegtables and Shrooms in Middle to late March and April.This Season I am going to video the collection of these Vegtables and the fish and then show our cooking prcedure and recipe for a fine Mtn meal right their in the woods the good Lords will.

Hillhopper - Thank you

Tnhunter - A wonderul reading I enjoyed that very much and thank you for taking the time to consider the matter you are a good and ohnest friend.


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