BCastle wrote:That sounds like an area of Kentucky law that some of you might want to bring up at the meetings with the administrative people of you state. I think Kyjabber understands, but without support from all of you who live in KY and are forced to try and work within those laws, they might not give it much consideration. From an administrative position, it is much easier to just leave things the way they are.
Good point, Brad.
These changes do not occur overnight. Kentucky worked over 6 years as agency to update what we have currently. I personally worked 4 years researched, reading, working, and to get us in compliance with all issues we were aware about over those years.
That said, here are my suggestions on how growers can help improve and give insight to help be a positive driving force for the Kentucky ginseng industry.
One, growers need to band together and be united. I know, like other areas of agriculture, farmers are hard to herd, but you all can't be on opposite ends of the spectrum and be expected to be taken seriously.
Secondly, with the this working group/industry group, layout how, as growers, you are different from the average ginseng harvester. This would include a grower verification/inspection program. Think National Organic Program or Food safety verification programs brought to the ginseng level. This could include some type of third party system, because of the demands already on state government. Also, the types of growers and production.
Some type of grower registration that shows you do have active control of the land and not managing plots on public property, and how your production impacts (or doesn't impact) wild ginseng. How you manage wild or wild simulated (because under CITES) it is the same plots in your woodsgrown or cultivated beds.
Then, word this in plain legal terms. Before any of this could even occur, our regulations would have to be update. Possible statute change, too.
Once we had a frame work that could fit all needs, then we could go forward. And I'll add the time to work on these action items is from April - June, until it's ready to roll. Ginseng season is just not the time to get the process started, FYI.
Of course, caveat emptor, you probably won't get everything that you ask for, so be willing to compromise.