I had to mow the yard yesterday evening, and this morning worked in the garden and got a lot done but then it rained and had to quit.
We needed the rain though so glad to get that.
I have two family things to go to this evening, a birthday party on my wife's side, and a family get together and dinner on my side... Going to be some good food eating going on this evening
I hope to get back to check on my seedlings and 2 year olds and also check on that 5 prong that billy sent me the root from... may have to do that one evening next week.
Most of the stuff I planted last fall, I did not plant rake/scatter in beds, but planted just hear and there wild style. Mostly planted in and around patches of MHF or around the bottom of some big old poplar trees. It will not be sea of green there, but spaced out more like wild would be. I expect those to do well.
Good Luck to all you guys !