I work by myself, am 50 years young, and I don't really get in a big hurry, but don't take my time either. I just work steady at it and here is a breakdown of about how it works out for me time wise with my double rake and scatter method.
To plant a 5'x50' (250 sf) bed.
I would call these average times for an average site.
5 minutes - site prep, clearing saplings, rocks, logs, putting down flags or markers.
15 minutes - rake off leaves, rake over extra soil and leaf mulch
5 minutes - drop gypsum and seed
15 minutes - rake leaves back on, level, and walk it down
Around 40 minutes total time.
In a 250 sf bed, if planting 4-5 seeds per sq ft (as Scott recommends), that is 1000-1250 seeds per bed, and you would need to plant around 6.5 to 7 beds like that to get a pound of seed planted.
At 40 minutes per bed, times 7 gives you 280 minutes or around 4.7 hours to plant a pound of seed.
You can obviously get it planted a lot faster, by working harder, faster and perhaps smarter, but you may skimp on quality some too by doing that.
I tip my hat to anyone that can plant a pound of seed in 2 hours and say - way to go.
For me - it just ain't happening that fast.
I think for most rookies and perhaps some older folks that are not going to work that hard and fast, they would be better off expecting more like 5-6 hours to get a pound planted, with quality planting results.
Good Luck to you all !