BCastle Was your first planting a wild sim planting? If so can you tell us how many made it to a harvestable size? It doesn't seem like that many members on here have been planting for over ten years. If they have then I sure haven't seen any results posted. I know that conventional wisdom says 10% survival if you're lucky. I guess I'd just like to hear some actual figures from guys who actually planted wild sim plantings 8 or more years ago. If you see this perhaps you should start another thread. I'm not wanting to hijack this thread.
5, my first planting was not wild simulated. I planted berries in places and wondered why they didn't come up the next spring, and transplanted wild plants only to have them come up and then die for a while there. Finally, I got online and found a website about ginseng and sent an email. The guy or gal (I have long lost the email to a computer crash and have no idea who it was) on the other end explained my issues. Ginseng didnt come up the spring after, and it didn't look like the mature plants when it did. Also, it needed semi dense shade to survive. After that, I started slow with a few ounces in a shady spot in my garden. After that worked, I started planting in the woods.
I didn't really start planting wild sim until about 6 years or so ago. I've not harvested anything out of there yet, but I did go back in a couple years later and replant right over the first planting and added some new area to the 'patch'.
Until last year, things were going very well. Lots of small three prongs in that section and berries too. They cut my primary shade trees though and that whole section grew up terribly. I'll cut the remaining tree tops off the ginseng this fall yet as I still see a lot of yellow leaves under the tall growth that sprang up.
This was a good idea for a thread 5prong. I'm really interested in hearing what others are seeing in their wild sim patchs.