Agree with K_duce 100%. I planted my first pound in 1995 in a primarily oak forest. It was a proven woods with some wild seng in it. However, I got about 5% germination. I did everything just like you are supposed to do. I just didn't know that the big waxy oak leaves block the ginseng from coming up. Learned a valuable lesson the hard way. Your best bet is to mulch the leaves somehow. I have used an old self propelled push mower that I did not mind putting through the woods. It won't last too long thou so be prepared for it to take a beating in the woods. Once mulched rake to the side and then plant the seeds then recover with the mulched leaves. Once mulched the leaves will not cover the seeds all that well so you will need to take in some mulched leaves from another source or location. I gather leaves from neighbors that mulch and bag them.
Good luck,