I have applied Plant Helper one time in the spring on beds with seeds that had not germinated yet. I raked most of the leaves off, but did not disturb the soil at all. Then I sprayed Plant Helper and raked the leaves back on.
Once roots have started to grow, you don't want to be raking the leaves off of your beds, even when the roots have gone dormant for the season. Especially on seedlings and younger roots, raking leaves off of the beds could break off the growth bud for next seasons growth. Also you take the chance of stirring up some kind of disease.
Over the past five years I have been applying gypsum on a \"as Needed Basis\". When tests show areas that have calcium levels below 2000 ppa.
When I do apply gypsum, I use the pelletized kind. Over the years I have tried the powder kind and the pelletized kind. I found that the powdered gypsum is messy and can not be applied while the tops are still standing. The pelletized gypsum can be applied anytime, broadcasting it on top of the leaves(mulch) and will bounce off of the tops and land down in the leaves. The raine will wash the gypsum down into the soil.
For ones that have not tried the pelletized gypsum, you don't know what your missing.
Most of the pellets are about 1/8\".