2024 Fall Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
* Ginseng Rootlets: Currently shipping until sold out
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TOPIC: new growth,cohash

new growth,cohash 15 years 11 months ago #1198

Here in va I have new sang plants 3\" high from seeds bought last year and planted. It makes me wonder where the months went that I remember thinking what am I going to do til spring comes around again?WOW time does really moves on when you reach 50.Dieselrider I planted the cohosh instead of sang seeds as you said to save money on seeds cohosh is free.The roots I planted to see if sang would grow came up so this fall GOD willing I will plant sang seed there also.Thanks for the help.It was great getting out in the woods again.The blood root is blooming with its lone white flower things are greening up nicely here .Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter the holiday made by JESUS dying on the CROSS THANK YOU JESUS!!!!

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Re:new growth,cohash 15 years 10 months ago #1204

steeltrap where do u live at in va i live in east ky and none of my old or new sang has started to come up. I have plenty of blue cohash probably a foot tall already up but no sang.

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Re:new growth,cohash 15 years 10 months ago #1205

Hi Hillbilly, I live in southwest va near the town of Mount Airy nc the town made famous by the tv show about Mayberry (Barney Fife,Andy,Aunt Bee)you know the one.The sang is still very small about three inches.I would probably walk right by it if I did'nt know it was there.We have a lot of may apple blood root, and I don't know what type of cohosh we have but as you say it is very tall here also.I have a question,why are the big roots I dug and replanted not coming up,will they lay dormant even though they are mature roots? Thanks for any info...........

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Re:new growth,cohash 15 years 10 months ago #1207

steeltrap i'm not to familiar with the cohosh blue or black other than digging a little of it. But i have had ginseng that i transplanted like that to lay dormant for as long as two years, but in my experiences its usually rare for them to lay dormant.

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Re:new growth,cohash 15 years 10 months ago #1210

steeltrap,it seems that the older,bigger roots that i have usually come up later than the younger ones.maybe they will still come up.

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Re:new growth,cohash 15 years 10 months ago #1213

Thanks Hillbilly & Lenno for the info I guess its a good thing they are in a place I can't forget where they are. The weather is still kind of messed up here so we'll just wait and see. Thanks Again!!

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