Oh well Guys...
Some hard knocks for the first year seng grower here in Middle TN.
Figure we might as well share the bad times too - perhaps others will learn by it.
We have had a brutal drought with extreme high temps most of July and into August.
My seed bed was looking good Mid July, had to water a few times, but at that point it was looking decent. Had lots of berry pods full of green berries. I checked on it again last weekend (and watered again) and noticed first that my little 3 prong (in a spot just around the hill from my seed bed)- that I started from a small 2 prong root a couple years ago had expired and all of the other 9 plants around that area were gone.
Here is what my little 3 prong looked like today.
Now that is a real BUMMER !
I collected 3 of the larger green berries and will plant them just to give them a chance.