I have two peach trees, one is a Early Elberta (best I remember) and the other is a Reliance.
They are semi-dwarf and best I remember I planted them 7 years ago.
The Early Elberta has had some disease issues and I had to cut it back some last winter, but it sort of made a come back this spring and made some nice big peaches a few weeks ago.
The \"Reliance\" has just been an outstanding peach tree. It seems to be much more hardy and vigorous. It grew twice as fast as the other and have had absolutely no problems with it. Done almost nothing to it and it produces a good crop of peaches every year.
Below is a pic if it from a little while back when it was heavy with peaches. I ended up with 3 prop poles holding the limbs up to keep them from breaking.
I got almost all of that weight off of it yesterday evening and I am sure it is feeling some relief now