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TOPIC: A few pictures of plants and flower spikes from today 6/3/2011

Re:A few pictures of plants and flower spikes from today 6/3/2011 13 years 3 weeks ago #10250

Hey Latt,

Noticed that little yellow spot just left of the flower spike in all 3 pics.

Could that be a bit of alternaria ?

Some of the wild seng I harvest around her often has that but it does not seem to bother them all that much. Just a few spots on the leaves here and there.

I found some of my 3 leafers the other day that had a bit too. Little yellow spots looked very similar to the one I see on yours above.

I have not sprayed anything, and really don't intend to unless it just gets really bad and if I do it will be something organic.



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Re:A few pictures of plants and flower spikes from today 6/3/2011 13 years 2 weeks ago #10252

I do not know, it could be I guess. I just went out and double checked it now that you mentioned it. The plant was getting to much sun before in the afternoon. So I built a little wall two foot tall and two foot with with sticks to block the sun which is working out nicely. I think it may be a sun spot from to much direct sunlight. It's more brown than yellow. A couple of leaves are a little burnt on the edges and look about the same color as the spot. I have seen this on wild pants in the woods too when they get too much light like when a big tree falls and opens up the canopy.
Anyway I hope it is a sun spot.

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Re:A few pictures of plants and flower spikes from today 6/3/2011 13 years 2 weeks ago #10256

Alternaria, has a cycle that it goes through. If not removed or treated, it will continue the cycle and create more spores. The spores will spread air borne or by rain splashing on the diseased plants and spreading the disease to more plants.

I would atleast clip off diseased seedling tops to eliminate some of the spores from spreading further.

Just a thought.


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Re:A few pictures of plants and flower spikes from today 6/3/2011 13 years 2 weeks ago #10257


I will try to check that bed again soon.

Our spring this year was a bit different than usual with two cooler and wetter than usual spells that lasted a couple of weeks and one of those the first couple of weeks in may.

I can usually plant sweet corn and tomatoes/melons last week in April and they do well.

I had sweet corn up 3\" tall first week in May and that late cool/wet spell just sort of wiped it out - turned yellow and I had to replant. It did not freeze or anything but did get down in the 40's several nights with cool days and cloudy and lot of rain. Mellons also turned yellow and died and had to be replanted.

Now here in June the wet has gone and the heat is on. We have late summer temps going on and summer is not even here yet. It has been in the mid 90's and fairly dry for over a week now and our extended forcast shows mid 90's for highs and low 70's for lows.

It is so hot and humid now I don't even want to get into the woods - although this evening the humidity seems to be a bit better.

The other day I went back to the woods to try and find some more of those hardings seeds that did not sprout and in 30 minutes I was soaked with sweat and the skeeters about carried me off too.

That is when I noticed some 3 leafers in one of my beds that had the little yellow spots. I did notice that they had grown considerably, taller/stouter, since I last looked at them 2-3 weeks earlier.

That bed is sort of isolated from the others (100-150' from other beds) and it was the bed where I had the thickest stand of 3 leafers too - very good germination.

There is wild seng growing right next to it and I have never noticed yellow spots on it, so that makes me wonder if the problem came from the seed.

I will try to get back down there this week (hope for a cool less humid evening) and get some pics and do as you said - remove the infected tops. I will take a zip lock bag with me and carefully cut the tops off and bag them then dispose of them in the trash at home.

Will report back later this week.



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