He sent me another few pics of ground he planted in March 2011 from the same seed source.
This pic only shows the ground prep'd and the seed.
Looks like he basically takes a tractor and disk and disk up the soil and works the leaves in and then broad cast the seed and then puts straw on top. You can see the straw in that earlier pic.
That is interesting.
In this huge area that he planted (same seed source) in March 2011 - he said hardly any germinated. He sent a pic, but I could not see any 3 leafers present so not including it. There were a lot of weeds up but none or very little seng.
I wonder if it is just not good to keep stratified seed in the stratification containers past fall (you know thru the winter and into early spring).
Perhaps that does something that makes them stay dormant longer.
Perhaps they need to be exposed to more extremes in temp changes - like if they were planted in the ground in the fall then went thru all of that cold weather just under the soil surface.
I still don't understand why there appears to be no embryo development in the seeds - that is if they are the same seeds he got that very good germination from when planted last fall.
Unsolved mystery !