2024 Fall Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
* Ginseng Rootlets: Currently shipping until sold out
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TOPIC: My experience using ginseng

My experience using ginseng 10 years 2 weeks ago #34203

I decided to post this in response to a few recent questions about ginseng's medicinal properties and how to take it...

Three years ago I started using ginseng as a tincture in my coffee. I make it from wild roots I've dug here at home. I will have to say I'm a believer! My girlfriend has brought back every sickness that has been going around (she's easy to catch everything) and I've not had the first inckling of sickness in the last three years. She had a bad stomach virus a couple weeks ago and that day, everyone she was around caught it with the exception of me and I was around her by far more than anyone.

My whole life I've had bad sinus and allergy troubles.Every year like clock work for the last 20 years I could expect it. These past few years were without sinus issues whatsoever and I only have a sniffle for a couple days in what use to be my worst allergy season that lasted weeks.

Given that its an immunity booster,anti-cancer agent,energy enhancer and all around health adaptogen, its just makes sense to use it since we have it handy. I like to think that eventually it will add maybe an extra 10-20 years or at least keep me strong until my time is done. :)

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Re:My experience using ginseng 10 years 2 weeks ago #34209

How did you make the tincture?

I just eat a little piece of dried along with vit c tab every few days. Do you think this works? I did catch a cold this year so I'm thinking it may not work as good as your tincture.


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Re:My experience using ginseng 10 years 2 weeks ago #34213

Its fairly easy to make tinctures and their shelf life is very long. A tincture is just an alcohol extract. I use chopped fresh roots and PGA OR Moonshine the first time and do it again with Vodka. At that point, you should have dissolved most of everything from the roots.Then I pour the two concentrates together.

Its strong! Just one drop on the tongue and you can really taste the Ginseng. You can taste it way more than the alcohol. I usually put six or seven drops in my coffee everyday.


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Re:My experience using ginseng 10 years 1 week ago #34214

Pretty interesting! This tincture sounds like it is effective and not for the faint-hearted! Sounds like you spend a bit of time in the prep of it.

I've been a big fan of capsules, get them at the Vitamin Shop. Also, for chewing both leaf, stem, and root of my plantings.. Some will tell you that the taste is terrible, however I can now say that this is the taste of money! [JK- feel that way since I'm a grower] I have long ago grown accustomed to the flavor, and it isn't bad. To put it in perspective, the taste of 'Sang is way better than chewing a aspirin.

i recently had surgery. I sport a 4\" incision now, which is healing nicely. Since the 2nd day after the surgery, I have taken 1300 mg of powered capsules every day to enhance healing. I would be making a tea out of root, however am out of root now. I would recommend this to others.

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Re:My experience using ginseng 10 years 1 week ago #34225

Commercially, they will add about 3 times its amount in water and maybe add some vanilla. Ehh, I just opt for a few drops instead of a teaspoon full.

It doesn't take a lot of time in prep but you do have to wait. I cut fresh roots in 1/4\" slices and fill with liquid above root level. I then let it set for 2-3 weeks. Pour it off, then repeat.


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Re:My experience using ginseng 10 years 1 week ago #34227

Thank you very much. Will be on that project come September. Is the Vodka a necessity or just for flavor? I have the prior on hand for emergency use but none of the latter.

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Re:My experience using ginseng 10 years 1 week ago #34235

Either can be used but stronger alcohol is better at extraction when roots are fresh but it shouldnt matter on the second round.


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Re:My experience using ginseng 10 years 1 week ago #34260


Thanks for sharing your success story with the sang tincture.

I will have to give that a try, perhaps next fall.

I occasionally take mine in hot green tea, a touch of lemon and honey... yum.

But most often I just eat the root, a pinch or two every day.

I use my own wild root, and select smaller older roots 20+ years old. I clean them and dry them as usual and put them in a paper bag for storage.

I keep a little fancy glass on my home office desktop and keep it there - so I don't forget it. It is right where I work or use my computer every day.

I put 2 or 3 roots in my NutriBullet and in about 30 seconds it turns them into a coarse to fine grind.

Below is what it looks like. The taste is pure seng, and those older wild roots have some zing to them. I love it.

And I can give the same on results. Sinus issues, cold, flue, strep, the old spring and fall crud, even headaches - are no more. I have been taking it for 3 or 4 years now. Very happy with the results.



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Re:My experience using ginseng 10 years 1 week ago #34273

That's great! I'm glad your having the same results as I, that tells me its not a coincidence for sure. I've always had a pretty good immune system but not so much as a 4 year stretch good.

I use to grind mine and I'm sure that may be a bit better than extraction but I would forget to take it everyday. Now, with it at my coffee pot, its as automatic for me as adding a little cream.

Here's to our health bud :)


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Re:My experience using ginseng 10 years 1 week ago #34275

Thanks for sharing guys, I may borrow this routine.

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