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TOPIC: Vitality and Ginseng

Vitality and Ginseng 11 years 2 months ago #26800

Vitality is not taught much in western health classes, and you almost have to reach higher ed for health provider training before there is a real informative discussion about it.

However, Ginseng boosts vitality, and vigor in a very large way. If we attempt to describe this without first understanding what \"vitality\" is, the our descriptions are at best unclear, and at worst... lost on others entirely.

English definition of “vitality” from the Cambridge dictionary below:

Vitality-- /vQjÈtæl·j·t,i/ n
› energy and strength:
example; youthful vitality
context usage; The new factory should improve the economic vitality of the region.

Perhaps this is the best Effect of the herb. Vitality Affects all our bodily processes. Capitals on the words Effect and Affect are there deliberately. Two words that sound the same, however have quite different mechanisms in our bodies.

Having extra vitality is respected and enhancing. It seems to be desired by most people.

A lack of vitality does not allow for an energetic approach to what ever we are doing at the time.

When the western Medical scientists figure out the chemical effects of our favorite herb, then they will approach the knowlegde that the eastern Medicine practioners have known for centuries....

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