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TOPIC: Chanterelle ???

Chanterelle ??? 9 years 8 months ago #35787

I got out and checked on my wild simulated ginseng this weekend and found about 100 of these growing right down an old logging road on my property.

Many of them are still quite small (quarter to silver dollar sized), with just a few being larger.

I think these might be Chanterelle ?

How do you positively ID Chanterelle mushrooms ?



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Re:Chanterelle ??? 9 years 8 months ago #35788


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Re:Chanterelle ??? 9 years 8 months ago #35818

Chanterelle mushroom last time I hunted them in tennessee was in early August around your area I have also fond them up north in early July , they have a cousin look a like that is poison to eat. Also there kinda webed on the bottom not gills they tend to grow by themselves the ones in the picture look like there connected?, also chanterelle like white oak,elm for the most part, if you cut the stem on a good chanterelle it should be white, you might have a jack o lantern in your picture which if you cut the steam it's orange or yellowish.


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Re:Chanterelle ??? 9 years 8 months ago #35824

I love Chanties but I do not think that is what you got there. The best way to tell is it should have false gills. They are more like folds in the tissue that extend from the cap into the stem. I also do not typically find them clustered. I find them around trees sorta like you find morels. If you post a pic of the gills I could help you more. I have found Chanties in the summer time but I think it is a little early yet. I usually find them later in the summer but there has been a few exceptions. I hunt mushrooms 11 months out of the year and it blows my mind how many good ones there are. Mushroom hunting is how I got into hunting ginseng. Oddly enough many of my old mushrooms spots contained wild ginseng and I never knew it. I was walking across the stuff my whole life.

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Re:Chanterelle ??? 9 years 8 months ago #35825

I was just thinking that you are probably in the mountains....and while I hunted mushrooms in the cascades i noticed chantrelles did tend to cluster more. I say again I don't USUALLY find them that way... I also do not usually find morels clustered, but I have.

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Re:Chanterelle ??? 9 years 8 months ago #35827

I will get out there and harvest a couple and take some pics of the bottom side and also see if they are white on the inside when cut.

I will post a pic or two when I get a chance to do that.

I am in southern middle TN (no mountains here) just hills and hollows. In my county the elevation ranges from around 600' to 1100'. These are in the 950' elevation range.



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Re:Chanterelle ??? 9 years 8 months ago #35840

Good advice guys.
Also they smell like apricots. Also Chanterelles grow from dirt never from wood. Jack-O-Lanterns only grow off wood never in dirt EXCEPT when there is an old root buried in dirt, Then it can appear that the Jack-O-Lantern is growing out of the dirt when it is really growing off the buried log or root.

Chants have false gills. Chants have ridges that run from under the cap down the stem. These false gills do not have a pronounced ending point on the stem. They simple just terminate gradually.

They appear to be Chants to me and they have been up a while. The cap on young ones are typically round. However after they grow for a while the cap fans out a bit like these ones and are irregular in shape. I will let you know for sure when we can see the underside but I am 99.9% sure these are Chants for now. Pics of the underside will tell the true story.

Also like I mentioned Jack-O-Lanterns are typically more orange in color and bigger and growing off live or dead wood.


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Re:Chanterelle ??? 9 years 8 months ago #36015

going to go look tomorrow..most years its mid july..but with all this rain they may be up now....

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