2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: Can you identify these mushrroms?

Can you identify these mushrroms? 10 years 4 months ago #31757

Hello was wonder what these were, find them in a lil forest. Some are more orange than others that kind of just off white, and they are all shaped like a martini glass. Thanks.


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Re:Can you identify these mushrroms? 10 years 4 months ago #31758


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Re:Can you identify these mushrroms? 10 years 4 months ago #31782

white trumpets, poisonous..........this is the time of yr. to harvest chicken of the woods or hen of the woods and chanetrells also look up shaggy manes, old man of the woods (boletes) oysters, and morels are still up here in vermont. These are all choice edibles i am talking about....in the past 2 weeks i have over 30 pounds of all the choice edibles i mentioned. There are great mushrooms identification sites online...BUT NEVER EVER EAT A SHROOM IF NOT CERTAIN,,,,,look up the ones i mentioned and post a pic. if you find them and i will give you 110% identification on them, i have many yrs. picking and eating shrooms...now is the best time to be out!! good luck!

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Re:Can you identify these mushrroms? 10 years 4 months ago #31797

Those are very old Lactarius sp., when fresh most will bleed a latex like substance but I feel those are too far gone to see this. I do eat several lactarius, the bradley's or L. volumens is actually one of my favorites, far more flavor, some say to much than many other fungi I consume. This appears to be an inedible one besides being to aged.

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Re:Can you identify these mushrroms? 10 years 4 months ago #31821

Good call Shroomdawg. Very old Lactarius for sure. Sorry Vermontshang, but definitely not \"white trumpets\" in my opinion. Never saw a white trumpet so how can I say they are not whit trumpets. Easy, the gills are to pronounced and end abruptly in a distinct and perfect termination point. This is totally unlike a trumpet which is part of the chantrelle family. Any trumpet I am familiar with has ridges verses gills and has a very gradual termination point all the way down the stem until is fades away softly.

Vermontshang, good luck with your hens. Have been looking here for hens the past two weeks but none yet.

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