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TOPIC: Anyone have knowledge on growing exotic mushrooms in western NC?

Anyone have knowledge on growing exotic mushrooms in western NC? 10 years 6 months ago #29684

Does anyone have expierence in growing shrooms in the mountains of NC? We are looking into moving up there and taking our buisness with us. Any one grown Chantrells, morels, oysters etc? In the resturant buisness (fine dining) these are known as exotics. High dollar and prized by true chefs. I worked at award wining resturants in FL, these are a chefs dream! The taste is incredible. The wife and I would love to grow shrooms when we move.

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Re:Anyone have knowledge on growing exotic mushrooms in western NC? 10 years 6 months ago #29706

While I have very limited knowledge of mushrooms other than eating them, I would recommend looking into growing Truffles! However, you really need to do your research on what mushrooms will be fairly easy to grow, have good value and not crash market-wise due to too many others growing and supplying them to the mushroom markets. The Matsutake or Mattake for short is a prime example. While just a few years ago, Matsutake Mushrooms were fetching up to $1,000 in Japan for a small basket of these prized mushrooms, the market has pretty much crashed for these mushrooms due to too many growers growing and supplying them. This could turn around somewhat in a few years due to some growers going bankrupt due to the much lower prices but it is doubtful that prices will ever get back to near the high prices that these prized mushrooms once fetched. Other than the Truffles and the one's you listed, you might want to look into growing Hen of the Woods Mushrooms which seem to be very sought after and fairly pricey.




Good luck! Hopefully Latt, trahn007, Shroomdawg and a few others will see your post and offer their insight on what mushrooms would be best to grow in North Carolina.


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Re:Anyone have knowledge on growing exotic mushrooms in western NC? 10 years 6 months ago #29707

Thanks, I've inquired on these already and waiting for Garlands response. They take a few years, but a great investment. I just don't know if they will grow high in the mountains or not. Soil samples will be a must. I'll check on the hen of the woods. I know nothing about those. I don't think I've ever even seen them. Thanks for the reply.

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Re:Anyone have knowledge on growing exotic mushrooms in western NC? 10 years 6 months ago #29715

Grifola frondosa or hen of the woods/maitake is typically associted with oaks and unfortunately harms the tree more than it helps it, slowly causing a butt rot that kills the oak. I have also found them on ash and elm trees once each and have heard of them found at the base of beech and maple, though rare. They can be succesfully cultivated on logs and your altitude will have no effect really exept adjusting the timing of fruiting. Oysters are very easy to cultivate, the others you mention develop a relationship with a tree for ntrients and are difficult if not impossible to cultivate.

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Re:Anyone have knowledge on growing exotic mushrooms in western NC? 10 years 6 months ago #29735

Alright, makes sense. I guess that's why they are so valuble. Hard to get. Do you know if the market in NC is saturated or is there a decent market for them. I know there is a market in FL for exotics.

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Re:Anyone have knowledge on growing exotic mushrooms in western NC? 10 years 6 months ago #29745

I can't really speak of the market as I do not sell the fungi I find in Ohio, I know the market for ignorance is huge in nearby GA from a money grubbing low life named Chris Matherly who is featured on the non sense reality show \"Filthy Riches\" which advocates and shows the poaching of our beloved ginseng as well. Still shaking my head.

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Re:Anyone have knowledge on growing exotic mushrooms in western NC? 10 years 6 months ago #29746

garethNjessica wrote:

Alright, makes sense. I guess that's why they are so valuble. Hard to get. Do you know if the market in NC is saturated or is there a decent market for them. I know there is a market in FL for exotics.

I am not sure that anyone on these forums would know the answer to that question! However, maybe they will or know where to look for the answer. I can only offer a few links that I have found on where to sell and advise to do lots of research. It might be a good idea to research any local markets and look into selling and shipping nationwide and even internationally. However, the latter may require special licenses, permits and even quarantining of your' products before they can leave the country and possibly before they can enter a country. The Fresh Market Stores which have many locations in North Carolina and many other states and are becoming highly popular with health minded folk, might be a good place to start at as well as some of the sites I have provided links to below. Of course, there is always eBay if you need to move something very quickly and have no other market in which to sell.









Good luck!


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Re:Anyone have knowledge on growing exotic mushrooms in western NC? 10 years 6 months ago #29761

Thats ashame shroomdawg, complete disrespect for the forest. Makes me sick. There attitude is \"the forest belongs to us\" , I personally feel we belong to it, respect and appriciate it! Great idea Frank, The fresh market is here locally where I live in FL. They called our farm and wanted to buy all of our supply in bulk last winter. Couldn't do it, way better money on the break down. Plus, we worked our A@#$ off to build our farm. From nothing but a piece of pasture. Our family will reap the rewards. Shroomdawg, do you know what exotics will grow in the high country of NC? Cultivatation that is. Please tell me more than just Shitake's.

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Re:Anyone have knowledge on growing exotic mushrooms in western NC? 10 years 6 months ago #29762

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