2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: Finally found one...

Finally found one... 12 years 10 months ago #17122

Well I decided to go hunt that poplar stand that I found that little black in last year and on the same hillside about 50' from where I found that black last year... look what I found this morning !

First here is a shot from a distance. I guess that is sort of a classic place to find a morel. That is a poplar tree that it was growing under and it was in a bare spot of dirt directly under the tree trunk (which had sort of been blown over years ago).


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Re:Finally found one... 12 years 10 months ago #17123

Here is a up close pic.

It was not very big, but I picked it anyway.

I looked HARD all around that tree and all over that hillside, real slow looking close and found no more.

I read post on morels.com where they say they find 15-20 in a spot. Oh I look forward to the day that happens to me.

But hey... at least I did not come home empty handed today.

Sort of neat that last year I found a black on this hill, and then this year found a blond (assume that is what you call one that color).

I am going to wash it good and save my spore water and put half around my apple tree and the other half around my mom's big old ash tree.

Hope you guys start finding some soon !


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Re:Finally found one... 12 years 10 months ago #17125

I think I'd prolly call that one a grey TN. Looks very similar to the greys I find here now and then. They are darker earlier than later, and seem to come on at the end of the blacks.

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Re:Finally found one... 12 years 10 months ago #17126

TN that is a Morchella Deliciosas (Tulip Poplar morel). They don't get much bigger than that most of the time. You could tell from the vertically arranged pits. Congrats on your find!

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Re:Finally found one... 12 years 10 months ago #17140

Trahn007, you sure know your stuff. I concur this is definitely a Morchella Deliciosas (Tulip Poplar morel) link below.


Anyone interested in learning the names of different types of morels check out the site below and scout around on the right side margin for the different Morel (Morchella) species with pics.



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Re:Finally found one... 12 years 10 months ago #17161

Hey Guys...

On the Sporewater..

See if I did this about right, or need to improve on that in some way.

I let that little morel soak in a bowl of water for 20-30 minutes, and held it over that bowl and sprayed it off with the faucet/sprayer and let that water run off into the bowl too.

I ended up with about 2 quarts of water, which I hope had lots of spores in it.

I put a little raw honey in each jar and shook it up good then let it set for a couple days.

Then I poured 1/3 around my largest apple tree, 1/3 around a poplar tree down on a hillside here close to home, and the last 1/3 I poured aroud the big old dieing ash tree in my mom's front yard.

It would be very cool if next spring or the next I had lots of morels aroud any one of those trees.

Looking forward to seeing that play out.


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Re:Finally found one... 12 years 10 months ago #17162

That sounds right. If you find more and soak them in the sink save that water too.
It normally takes two years for the mushrooms to come up where you put the morel spore water. My buddy and I poured a gallon of morel spore water around his apple trees that never had morels before. Two years later he picked dozens right where we poured the water. I have tried it in the woods around ash and elm and it worked too. I tried it in my back yard at the base of a cottonwood and the base of a sugar maple but it did not work that time. 2 successful attempts out of 3 ain't too bad thou.
Good luck,

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Re:Finally found one... 12 years 10 months ago #17170

Found over 20 small yellows so far. Some were fresh and some were a week old. All are in the thumb size range which is small. It got hot so quick it is an early year but I am not sure how this year will be on qty and quality in some areas. I would speculate that this week should be prime in TN.

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Re:Finally found one... 12 years 10 months ago #17178

Been dry here in PA. Been picking black morels this past week. Looks like the peak for blacks here in PA will be this week. Also found some small yellow it will be a busy couple weeks. By weight not as good as last year but not bad so far. Happy Hunting

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Re:Finally found one... 12 years 10 months ago #17251

The rain we had Saturday sure helped with a new flush of yellows we found Sunday. Here is a pic of my buddy Jason holding a few of the bigger ones.

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