Y.W. Chieftain
Blackcat Thank you
I do believe that you are correct and that is the reason.
So far on the dry ginseng what I have learned this year as a new dealer is that there are sevral different large buyers and they have smaller dealers/buyers that sell to them every season who have been dealing with them for years,Some 10,20 years etc.
Truthfuly they are the ones who controll the price on whats giving,the small guys follow suite so to speak.
Those bigger dealers also have some one who tells them what they will do or will not do as well and that is the international dealer and there are not alot of them as one would think,but they tell the bigger dealers what they are going to pay them for say 1 , 2 ,3 barrles that week,mounth,,and that is how they base what they tell there first dealers/the dealer that buys from you.
They can change that price daily,weekly and that is what makes it complicated.Especialy for a new dealer who is now trying to compete with the small dealers that are well established with the big dealers already,that have been buying and selling to them for along time.
New/Smaller dealers like say me and hillbilly.
No one realy wants to tell us newbys anything and as odd as that is I partly understand there position and I do not feel hard at them for that it is not personal just the business end of the deal.We have to learn alot on our own/and realy it gets complicated.
That is why I got lost a few days there,but I am fortunate to have a couple very good friends that have been dealers for along time and they have been a help to me as much as they could.I feel blessed to have them as my friends.
The wet ginseng is not as complicated as far as knowing what to give/not to give and you can decide better what to give and not loose with it.That is why there seems to be more of a unity during the first part of the buying season,because the buyers are not at war/it is a time of peace so to speak,everyone is just buying closer together normaly,but at the end of the wet season it changes quickly,becomes fast paced and not nealrly as friendly a atmosphere between dealers.
That is what I have learned and I hope that it helps you understand,it has me,I didnt understand this untill I have delt with it,but now that I have I hope alot of the guys read this post so that they to understand better what the deal is and the truth.
That was a good question.