I have 112 grams or exactly 4 oz of fresh goldenseal seed available. This is equal to 5,600 seeds.
In the paragraph below called }Pricing Cut and Pasted\" you will see where 100 grams of fresh goldenseal seed sells at approximately $340. Another supplier sells packets of 50 seeds for $9.95. So at that rate 5,600 seeds divided by 50 seeds per packet would be 112 packets of 50 seeds with a value of $9.95 per packet of 50. 112 packets x $9.95 is = to $1,114.40. So you can see the seeds are quite valuable depending even if you by them in bulk and or in packets.
I am not expecting you to pay $1,112.40 or even $340 for my 112 grams or 4 oz containing 5,600 seeds. Just let me know what they are worth to you and make me an offer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I would plant them myself but I planted over a lb last year. Some say planting seed is equal to planting divided root stock explanation as follows. Root stock that is divided spends a lot of energy to produce the plant top and the root does not grow as quickly. So in essence if goldenseal seed is planted correctly it will catch up with divided rootstock in 4 to 6 years and you will have the same size root. It is much easier to sow seeds too verses dividing rootstock and planting them one at a time. Plus buying the rootstock is much more expensive verses buying seed for the quantity of plants that you will get. See below for the Pricing info that I cut and pasted from another source.
Pricing Cut and Pasted from a seed source.
\"If one chooses to establish goldenseal from seed, then a different set of cost assumptions apply. Plantings from seed will require at least 5 years of growth to yield a marketable root. If one chooses to start from seed, two seeds per square foot might be planted for a requirement of 800 seeds per bed (2 seeds by 400 square feet). This assumes an average germination rate of 45 percent (0 to 90 percent has been observed) so that approximately one out of every two seeds might be expected to germinate and become established. Eight-hundred seeds per bed multiplied by nine beds suggest a total requirement of 7,200 seeds for a 1/10-acre plot. One-hundred grams of seed (1 pound = 454 grams) of goldenseal seed contains an average of 5,000 seeds and costs approximately $340. One-hundred fifty grams (~ 7,500 seeds) at a cost of $510 would be needed to adequately plant all nine beds at a rate of two seeds per square foot. \"
I want these seeds to go to a good home and if planted carefully like ginseng seed they should grow nicely.