Nice Pics. Some good looking 3 leafers. And you are right it is not easy.
Actually getting 3 leafers to come up is pretty easy for me, but getting them to live 3-4-5 years or more that is a different story.
I have had really good germination rates, and plots full of 3 leafers (first year), but they slowly dwindle down over the years, to where you have about 1/3 to 1/4 of the originals left. All of my spots where I planted large beds and planted them thickly (3-4 seeds per sq ft) have done that.
Places where I planted smaller numbers and spread them out more have done better.
On that first pic above... (two 4's right together) could you tell if that is a double top (two tops off one root ?) If so, that may be a very nice root there.
Be sure and post a pic of that root this fall if you do get to harvest it.