2025 Spring Planting:

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TOPIC: Kill the time with an Identification Challenge

Kill the time with an Identification Challenge 10 years 1 week ago #34784

Who can name everything growing in this picture? Fun little challenge for y'all while we wait on spring... I give away one one them in the comment from Facebook.

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Re:Kill the time with an Identification Challenge 10 years 1 week ago #34785

Darn it. Let me figure out how to resize this picture. I'm an old country boy not a tech guru.

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Re:Kill the time with an Identification Challenge 10 years 1 week ago #34786

Let's try this again.

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Re:Kill the time with an Identification Challenge 10 years 1 week ago #34794

I've just started my herb education so this is just a swag (guess)


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Re:Kill the time with an Identification Challenge 10 years 1 week ago #34804

Claw hammer,
There's Ramps in there for sure. In the middle the cluster of Broad Single leafs. There's about five more species growing in there. I wish this picture was from this year but if memory serves me I took this picture in April of 2012-2013. Won't be long till my woods are coming to life! I'm going crazy. We've had a good Bit of snow this year and the wife and I are suffering a severe case of cabin fever.

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Re:Kill the time with an Identification Challenge 10 years 1 week ago #34805

I know what ya mean Josh yesterday it was almost dry enough to plow the garden and rain

forecasted for the next couple of days. I had just rolled a project Ford 8n out of the shop

and fired it off. yes, I hooked up a plow and lightly turned the ground with a few hours of a

light breeze and sunshine it dried out just enough to make a few rows.. I got 6 rows of silver

queen corn in. so maybe this rainy spell will bring it up pretty quick.

I'm just beginning with herbs here, been planting for a year now and hope to see a few plants

this spring. I'm trying ginger, turmeric, ginseng, goldenseal, and blue cohosh, so far.

as I learn more and find out what grows best I'll define the plantings to the best I can grow here.

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Re:Kill the time with an Identification Challenge 10 years 1 week ago #34806

Claw hammer,
Where you call home? I'm from Fayette County, WV. Only thing I've got in the ground so far this year garden wise is a mess of Bibb Lettuce, Kale and some onions. I've got a bunch of stuff going in the greenhouse and just built a new smaller sized greenhouse that I'm gonna put my Hydro/Aquaponics systems in. Pretty excited about possibly having my own farm raised trout and catfish! I just cannot wait to really get the garden going, dig a big Ol mess of them stinky Ramps, catch some big trout/Crappie & some New River catfish and hopefully get me several onion sacks full of Morels! I'm so ready for Spring I'm about to explode! Thank the Lord above that Winter is purt'near over! I got a decent amount of 'Seng seeds planted and hoping to see my new babies sprouting up soon. The wife and I had our first child in December and I put out right at a lb of seed in an ideal spot, we aren't gonna touch except for seeding once they start producing, and when she turns 16 we will, Lord Willing, dig some together to go towards her first car or towards her education. It's VERY important to me that she grows up in these beautiful mountains and knows all about the bounty the Lord has provided us in them! I hope you have all the luck in the world with the garden, digging roots and anything else you get into this year! God bless!

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Re:Kill the time with an Identification Challenge 10 years 1 week ago #34810

Glad to meet ya Josh, I'm in Dallas, Ga. just west of Atlanta.
Wow sounds like you have a nice operation going there. I'm just a gardener, maybe about 2 acres, I sell some to customers around. Retired, about the best job I ever had just doesn't pay nothing..:P wish I had thought to do a little herb planting when I was a little younger. guess my grand kids might be the ones to harvest my crops.

Greenhouses are cool, and that deal with the fish sounds interesting.

Its forecasted to rain here the next few days.. I had a nice walk in the woods this morning, quiet just the sound of rain hitting the leaves and my hat. Kind of walk, that just makes you feel alone, and aware of Gods creation.. Wish it had been longer but I was getting soaked.;)

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Re:Kill the time with an Identification Challenge 10 years 1 week ago #34814

JoshStover, sounds like a nice operation. What thickness of poly do you have for your larger greenhouse? Do you have a pond or creek for your fish? The family and I are trying to relocate to NC and you're describing everything that we have in mind also. Clawhammer, we just got our silver queen and peaches and cream in the ground also. Hurry up and weight!

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Re:Kill the time with an Identification Challenge 10 years 1 week ago #34815

GarethNjessica, Hurry up and wait.. thats the truth, especially with these herbs.
hope I live long enough to harvest them.. I guess if it was easy, everyone would
be growing them. With all the publicity, now days they maybe by the time we can harvest. Always late to the gold rush..

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