2025 Spring Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
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TOPIC: A needle in a woodland haystack

A needle in a woodland haystack 10 years 4 months ago #33831

Yesterday I decided to walk my property's fenceline and while doing so I would veer here and there looking at my timber,potential future planting sights and more or less just enjoying some time in the woods. Also, probably a ten acre section which is in cedar I spent hunkered down walking through those to check out the terrain if it were cleared. Yall know what its like walking in a young cedar thicket...Anyhow, I figured it was a good four or five mile walk through the woods,thickets and bench fields if you count the perimeter and all the zig zagging I did.

To cap off a right enjoyable 3 or 4 hour trip yesterday morning I went to town to purchase a few things from the parts store to only realize my billfold containing almost $500 wasn't in my pocket anymore :S

Back I went...My afternoon woodland cruise wasn't near as enjoyable. At dark I finally had to come home and was absolutely disgusted all night. You can imagine trying to cover your exact steps over 50 plus acres looking for something that is dark and light brown amongst a rustling forest floor of leaves that are dark and light brown.

Although I figured my efforts were futile,I went back this morning and took a little slower pace and actually found that booger within a couple hours. If I knew I wouldn't have broke my neck and went to the bottom of that hollow, I would have done a back flip. I had already chalked it up as a loss and figured maybe twenty years from now I might find it's remnants while planting or raking.
Talk about relief!

Rather than dumb luck I would like to believe all the training my eyes have had with hunting Ginseng contributed to my success :woohoo:


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Re:A needle in a woodland haystack 10 years 4 months ago #33836

You're a lucky man. Last year I had an expensive pair of sunglasses that I wear sometimes that block out gnats when they are out heavy in the woods. They dropped out of my pocket and I have searched the area that I was in at least 10 times, but I have never been able to find them.

Good luck with planting this year.


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Re:A needle in a woodland haystack 10 years 4 months ago #33837

Hill, Sure is frustrating to lose a billfold or a set of keys and like Hugh a pair of glasses!
Glad you found it with your X-seng vision. LOL.
Are you planning on planting more this late fall and winter or just speculating for next year?

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Re:A needle in a woodland haystack 10 years 4 months ago #33839

LOL Awesome. This is the very reason I no longer carry a cellphone holster which is CAMO :S

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Re:A needle in a woodland haystack 10 years 4 months ago #33845


I haven't planted any this season. I usually don't until January. I do have the area almost cleared of limbs,small and fallen trees. I killed everything off back in the growing season so its almost ready to go except for the leaf removal and planting. I have 25lb I'm going to plant this winter.

I wouldn't even have went back if my billfold was camo. I had already figured that maybe one day I might find my license or debit card while planting but assumed within a couple months the mice would have eaten my leather billfold and the weather would take care of my money and papers.

I'm not a \"wallet chain\" kinda guy but I guess it does solve a problem such as that.....ehh,I'll just keep taking my chances


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Re:A needle in a woodland haystack 10 years 4 months ago #33847

Hill I worry about the same thing.
I put all my crap in my big velcro pocket on the thigh of camo pants. I am sure someday it will all fall out, phone, wallet and keys. That day will suck. I would rather lose it all than wear a fanny pack. lol


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Re:A needle in a woodland haystack 10 years 4 months ago #33848

If you ever do wear a fanny pack, would you please take a picture and post it to this forum lol
I've never had that happen before but that day I had on a pair of carhart overalls that seem to shrink up every time they are washed. The pant legs are getting shorter and yes, the pockets are even getting smaller. I think its time to hang those dudes up.

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Re:A needle in a woodland haystack 10 years 4 months ago #33851

LOL I was expecting to hear you say how you located a solitary ginseng plant stem amongst 4\" of leaves & snow since I just had this happen a few days ago. Glad you located your wallet. Never have seen the 2 cell phones I've misplaced in the woods yet. Luckily the turkey & deer here haven't been running up the bill on them. They are probably sitting in some coon or squirrels nest used as a night light now.

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Re:A needle in a woodland haystack 10 years 4 months ago #33854

buddy of mine always carrys his wallet in his back pocket he,s lost two over the years and never found either i always carry mine in the front pocket never lost one yet knock on wood my buddy just cant learn his lesson im always checking my keys and wallet while in the woods so maybe i will have a smaller search area should i loss one

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Re:A needle in a woodland haystack 10 years 4 months ago #33855

buddy of mine always carrys his wallet in his back pocket he,s lost two over the years and never found either i always carry mine in the front pocket never lost one yet knock on wood my buddy just cant learn his lesson im always checking my keys and wallet while in the woods so maybe i will have a smaller search area should i loss one

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