Thanks for the friendly feedback and glad to be aboard. Here is another pic of the large ginseng root I found recently. I have another question regarding the aging of this root. How would you count the neck rings when the curls are so tight and so long? I have already started the drying process which may not be the best route when trying to market this incredible root. I have been digging ginseng in western North Carolina for over 30 yrs now and have never seen one this large in this part of the country. I have found many large roots but have never pursued selling one online or at auction. I feel this is something to try because of its enormous size and old age. I have hunted this area in the past and I believe some plants do lye dormant for many years. I have never come across this plant before in this desolate area in the mountains. It is definitely wild ginseng and I am open to any other suggestions and remarks about this root and how to properly market this root to get the most out of it. Thanks again friends for the friendly invite and happy hunting!!!