Welcome to the Wildgrown forums! We hope that you will tarry with us and share any stories and pics of future hunts for Ginseng! While you are apparently new to the traditions that many of us on the forums have long practiced (i.e. the hunting, harvesting, planting, growing and stewardship of Ginseng), with time, you will have many stories and pics of your adventures.
Hugh posted a very appropriate photo of a 3 pronged Ginseng plant since the Sarsaparilla plant that you posted a photo of, is also a 3 pronged plant! As you can see, the plants are very similar in appearances and especially so, in their' early years of the growth of Sarsaparilla. You will come to notice that in the older Sarsaparilla plants, that branches will grow off of the individual prongs that come off of the stem and many of the plants will have more than one flower and berry pod. Ginseng will never grow branches off of individual prongs and while a few Ginseng plants have been found with twin flower/berry pods, these are rare and very seldom seen.