I purchased some land last year and there had been dispute over who would pay the \"roll back\" taxes.
For those that don't know what roll back taxes are here's how it works. If someone owns 14.98 acres or more you can enroll it into the \"farm belt\" and your taxes are lowered. I believe that you must make $1,000 in agriculture per year or something like that. If the owner sells it then you are sent a bill for the difference in taxes for the past 3 years.
This is normally taken care of at closing and \"normally\" the seller pays it. Well, ours slipped through the cracks some where and we got the bill for roll back taxes on 26 acres. We wouldn't pay it and then the property accessors were claiming that we purchased 13.4 acres but, on the plot map and, what was used to calculate what we paid, showed 12.4 acres. After a long \"battle\" I finally got someone from the property accessors office out and we went over all the numbers and walked the pens. Turns out we paid for 12.4 acres but were deeded 13.4 acres due to a typo. That was some great and unexpected news.
Later that day I was also greeted with some great news in that the place we used at closing had held that money back from the seller but, hadn't paid it. Everything had been paid in full and all was now cleared up.
What makes this even better is that I now own over 100 acres. Which had a life long goal for me as a kid growing up and I done it before I was 35 years old.