2024 Fall Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
* Ginseng Rootlets: Currently shipping until sold out
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TOPIC: Curing

Curing 11 years 4 months ago #24625

Hello all, I am very new to the hunt from east/central Ky. I have a couple questions i searched furums for but didnt get what i was looking for. how do you know when its dry enough and what is fastest way to dry. Also how do i keep my roots GREEN as possible if i decide to sell green? Thank you in advance and happy hunting

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Re:Curing 11 years 4 months ago #24626

Well everyone has their own method in some cases. However the majority will clean their roots gently (Don't Scrub Them). Then put them on a screen and let them dry slowly in a dry cool spot such as a dry basement or cool closet etc.
Do not fast dry them in the sun.

As far as selling green, I have never done that before but I know many do. I would assume it is best to get the fresh roots to the dealer asap after you dig them.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Good luck,

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Re:Curing 11 years 4 months ago #24627

Blistered feet,

I have attached a document about drying ginseng for you to reference.

If you want to keep the root green, just put it in a ziplock and keep it in the fridge. If they are kept to long they can sometimes develop cracks on the root, so be aware of that.


Well I guess the document didn't attach. You can find it online by searching \"Growing American Ginseng In Ohio: Harvesting, Washing, and Drying\"

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Re:Curing 11 years 4 months ago #24628

I have found a dehumidifier used in a small room works well. I set mine in a paper bag next to it.

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Re:Curing 11 years 4 months ago #24630

I always take the top from a produce box, like tomato box lids, and place a thin layer on each one. Then place them on a shelf in my garage and let them dry. Usually takes bout 3 weeks depending on size of the roots.

To store them wet, I always use a 1 gallon zip lock back and fill with fresh spring water (not the kind you buy, I'm talking about actually spring water that's never seen a bottle) and put it in the bottom of the fridge.

I do know that when storing it in the fridge you don't want to keep it in there more than 1-2 weeks at most or they will start to crack or possibly even set up mold/fungus. Longest I have stored them that way was 3-4 days and thats just if I knew I was going back digging the next day or so and wanted to sell wet.

Sometimes you can get more for it wet than when you dry it out, just depends on prices, location, and when you want to sell. For instance, if I sell what I have wet right now, at the current prices I stand to make about $30-60 more per pound than if it were dry. Now, as the season goes on this will flip-flop the other way.

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Re:Curing 11 years 4 months ago #24670

Thank you all very much for taking time to help. You answered exactly what i needed. I have an uncle that uses a dehydrator for 4 hrs on first night and then sun dries for shrinking/wrinkling or shriveling..lol. he has been hunting seng in and around powell county, Ky for 60 yrs. He says in his opinion the dehydrator drying method leaves a little more weight in the root...better cure i guess. anybody tried it?

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Re:Curing 11 years 4 months ago #25044


I have never sold any green, always dry mine and wait for the price to peak (usually does around Thanksgiving). But then I don't need the money quick so I am fine with waiting for the price to peak.

After washing my roots I towell dry them and then spread them out on a window screen and just leave them be until I sell them. It takes 4-5 weeks, with larger thicker roots going 5 or more to dry them like that, but like I said, no hurry so I just let them dry like that.

I keep them in a room, inside, low humidity, air conditioned, etc... and they dry nicely, and retain good color inside and out.

I hear that \"sun\" drying roots or drying them too fast with to much heat, can cause bad color inside or out and seriously decrease your seng value.

A dehumidifier I am sure would be fine, but I would not dry mine in the sun, not exposed to direct sunlight.

If I needed to dry some quick, I would do something like spread them out on a window screen thinly, and put them in a inside room, with a dehumidifyer, and a small room forced air heater with the heat set to 80 degrees or so. I would not go any hotter than that.

Good Luck


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Re:Curing 11 years 4 months ago #25067

I agree. Spread them out on a screen (one made for the purpose or a window screen). Put a fan on them. The addition of heat (80 to 100 degrees max) will help also. Always start lower with heat and increase it slightly if necessary.

One of the better methods is to store them in a refrigerator for a couple weeks prior to putting them out to dry. Open cardboard box or paper sack...watch them for mold. After a couple weeks, they will have already started to lose considerable weight and will have changed starches to sugars and should dry well with darker skin and more corkey composure.

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Re:Curing 11 years 3 months ago #26430

I really enjoy being even a small part of this forum. Kudos to the guys who keep us informed! When someone asked a question no matter what kind, u guys jump in feet first to offer advice. I wish someone was there to help me 20 years ago when i started what is now an obsession! LOL I truly hope everyone here has a safe and enjoyable holiday season.

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