IowaGrown wrote:In ia we must bring all tops out with us are these worth saving/ does anyone buy them??
I have sold them to Herbal Stores in the past but have not done so in over 10 years! You might try some Herbal Stores nearby or even advertise on Craigslist. Someone (that doesn't know the laws) might try to give you some grief over them but just tell them that they were legally dug and that the Ginseng tops aren't regulated as the roots are. Since Ginseng tops do not weigh much but contain more ginsenosides than the roots, so don't get ripped off. Sell them by the top not by the pound. I brought out some tops yesterday, put them in water overnight, then will keep them green in the crisper drawer of the fridge for a few days. If I find no interest in them, I will dry them and keep for my own use.
If anyone on Wildgrown sells their' Ginseng tops every year and has an idea as to what they should bring, please post this information for the O.P., for myself and for others that may be interested in doing the same.