Around 5 or 6 years ago I had hunted all day and had not found anything.Driest place I had ever hunted. I was on my way out and I seen 5 little 3 prong plants all in a 4 or 5 inch area. They were small and had no seed pods so I figured I would help nature out a bit and separate them over the hillside. Figured they could use some more room(nutrients) to grow and make seed. To my surprise it was one root. It was wadded up like crazy and a good size. I dried it and when I sold that year that one root brought $27.(dont remember what it was a pound that year) Did I mess up I have never found anything like that since. I found a few with tow tops but thats seems kinda common. They told me it was a cluster root and not that uncommon but I have never found another.Has anyone else?