2024 Fall Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
* Ginseng Rootlets: Currently shipping until sold out
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TOPIC: ginseng scouting in november? vermont

ginseng scouting in november? vermont 12 years 3 months ago #21449

I am curious if anyone out there knows the answer to this. This is my first yr considering hunting ginseng. I live in vermont and would like to scout for next yrs season. Is ginseng still visible right now?..or are all the leaves dead making it impossible to spot.
We have had a few frosts but there seems to be quite a bit of green out still.
anyone out there still seeing it in the woods?

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Re:ginseng scouting in november? vermont 12 years 3 months ago #21454


Welcome to the forum! We hope you will stay and share your knowledge, experience and stories about Ginseng!

I live in East Tennessee and the Ginseng has died off here until next year. I am sure that it has there in Vermont as well, unless you all are having some kind of Global Warming episode. While Ginseng is a pretty tough plant, most of the plants begin to die off (leaves turn yellow) within about a week of a killing frost or several less severe frosts or even several good cold spells with temperatures in the 30's and light frosts. However, some plants with the protection of a heavy canopy of tree leaves or thick bushes, weeds, etc. may hang on for several weeks up to a month longer. Once the leaves turn yellow, they will gradually turn a yellowish-brown and fall off within a couple of weeks. Some stems with the forks on plants such as 2 prongs, 3 prongs and 4 prongs can sometimes still be spotted for quite some time after the leaves fall off providing that there is not a heavy leaf fall or a snowfall which knocks the stems over and separates any forks from the main stems. Once the stems are knocked over by heavy leaf fall or snowfall, finding a stem of a Ginseng plant is nearly impossible.


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Re:ginseng scouting in november? vermont 12 years 3 months ago #21455

There is very little evidence of ginseng in the Vermont woods right now. Even knowing where it grows you would be hardpressed to locate actual plants right now.
Time spent looking for likly ridges would be well spent though, especilly if you can double that with some deer hunting right now.

Check out your local Maple Syrup producers.Ginseng does well in the same local that maples do, and I have had good luck gaining permission to dig from them as well.
Good luck.

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Re:ginseng scouting in november? vermont 12 years 3 months ago #21456

There is very little evidence of ginseng in the Vermont woods right now. Even knowing where it grows you would be hardpressed to locate actual plants right now.
Time spent looking for likly ridges would be well spent though, especilly if you can double that with some deer hunting right now.

Check out your local Maple Syrup producers.Ginseng does well in the same local that maples do, and I have had good luck gaining permission to dig from them as well.
Good luck.

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Re:ginseng scouting in november? vermont 12 years 3 months ago #21457

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Re:ginseng scouting in november? vermont 12 years 3 months ago #21460

JMGeorge- Welcome to this forum!

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Re:ginseng scouting in november? vermont 12 years 3 months ago #21461

Thanks Bill, good advice and exactly the answer I was looking for. I went out hunting the past few days and found myself searching for plants, chaga and reishi more than deer ha.
Good idea with the maple farms too. thanks

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Re:ginseng scouting in november? vermont 12 years 3 months ago #21462

Thanks for the great information and help everyone. I feel very welcomed here

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Re:ginseng scouting in november? vermont 12 years 3 months ago #21466

Welcome to the forum. I too am a mushroom hunter. Found and ate some nice winter Oysters this past weekend. I also found 1 reishi at the base of the same tree. We do not have much if any chaga down here in Ohio. But I buy it ground up and make tea with it. Anyone interested in getting a ton of antioxidants in their system should look into chaga. Chaga contains one of mother natures highest contents of antioxidants. Great stuff and can be found on the web.

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Re:ginseng scouting in november? vermont 12 years 3 months ago #21469

well let me know if you want some vermont chaga. I found quite a bit this last weekend when i was out hunting.
Is there a place online to sell chaga to people?

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