I am a hunter and when im riding to and from I often watch for an area that I think might hold ginseng.If I see an area of interest I start looking on the road for private property signs,no trespasing etc.If I see one of such signs I automaticaly forget that area,no matter how good it looks to me,but as deiselrider said everyone is not that ohnest,I so wish they where.
Wwe have had a growing problem in our area,alot of people got so badly hooked on drugs that they woul dig ginseng out of season,not letting the fruit ripen and realy destroyed alot of the open area to the public,and here in Kentucky that is alot of land.It is sad that they would even dig the smallest seng untill it is now very hard to find anything in places that held seng for decades.There was no stewradship involved only there driving desire for the next pill,etc....Now they realy messed up alot of area and they have started trying to poach private land,and even our Parks,so around here the authorities have finaly began to help.
They have made a legal size limit to what the dealers will be able to buy this year,anything under that will be refused and not bought,this will stop them from digging the 2 prongs and small 3 prongs and over some time should help replenish certian areas.
Also they have picked up on security in the parks and started watching large private land areas better,I sincearly hope they catch everyone that does not practise good stewardship,and everyone who violates whats rite to others property and land.
I wish more thasn anything else that honesty was what it should be in all people,and that the drug addicts could find the help they need,but thats not the world we live in and it seems to be worse now than when I was in my 20`s.