blue cohosh seeds for sale?
15 years 5 months ago #1523
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I am new to Ginseng planting. I live in the Western PA area and a friend has suggested I also plant some blue cohosh with the Ginseng for shade in a yard area. I can not find seeds for sale, any suggestions would be great!
I dont know of anyone that sells blue cohosh seeds,but you could dig wild blue cohosh or black cohosh and transplant them in your patch of ginseng.The transplants would be bigger and give you more shade anyway.
crf, I tried planting or I should say transplanted a lot of cohosh last year to try out less than ideal places to grow ginseng.The reason I did this is because cohosh is free and sang roots are expensive and if the cohosh grows well the ginseng should do well also this turn out to be a cheap way to test alot of places!!!!!!!!!!lenno is right about planting roots so you get ahead start and cohosh has a bud for next years growth just like ginseng.I don't know where you can buy seeds I know they are hard to come by in the wild I only found a couple hundred this year but I've already planted them.Its getting close to the time you dig them(just like ginseng)If you would like to come to sw va.we could dig you some if you don't have alot in your area.Hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!
Crf i wouldn't go with the seeds i would go with the roots like steeltrap and everyone else said. Cohosh around here in east ky Where i live is plentiful i could dig all day long. Where are you located at it should be thick around you also. I have all kinds of it mixed in my seng patch too. If i was you i would go with the black cohosh instead of the blue the black is more plentiful and it grows taller and would provide more shade. Or at least I have seen really tall black cohosh on the land we own. I have seen some seven foot tall. I have never seen tall blue cohosh thats not to say it doesn't get tall though. If you can not find any i would be more than glad to help you. You just name a reasonable price and you pay the shipping and i can give you all the rootlets you need. I will ship them to where they will not dry out and will be ready to plant when you get them. I will guarnatee that they will be alive and healthy.