This bobcat was caught right next to one of my ginseng beds last fall.
This is the story:
Last Dec I had a call early in the morning(5:45 am). I noticed it was from a kid down the road that has permission to trap on our land. It was Jeremy. Him and my boy used to trap together until my boy started going to the University. Any way this kid calls me while it's still dark out and says that he caught an awsome Bobcat on my property. He says he's afraid to dispatch it and damage the hide. Can you help me? I told him I would get my boots on and meet him at the top of the hill. There was 20\" of snow on the ground and it took me awhile going up the hill in the dark.
This kid has probably only seen three bobcats in his whole life. So I'm expecting to see a nice little bobcat. When I met him at the top of the hill he was shaking with excitement! So we made our way up to the trap and was amazed to find a beautiful large cat laying in the snow right next to one of my ginseng beds!
Anyway, he tells me he wants to have me mount it for him, but he does not know how he could ever afford it. To make a long story short, He help us cut our firewood this year among other things.
I'm glad I could work out a way to get his trophy cat mounted by his birthday next week.
Here's his Bobcat!