My mom and I have been planting (wild grown-style) ginseng roots and seeds on her 140-acres in South Dakota for the past several years. We started with a small plot of 3-year-old roots that grew very well. We successfully harvested the seeds from those plants, stratified them and planted them. In the meantime, we've planted additional roots and seeds in numerous locations and have seen success there as well.
We've really enjoyed the process and look forward to eventually selling some roots. We're not sure how old we should let our roots get before selling them. Mom is concerned about replanting ginseng in the same places, too. (We get a lot of cross-over information from commercial ginseng operations.) I tell her that it's fine to replant on the old site (it measures maybe 20 feet by 10 feet) and hope my advice is good.
Our state has no regulations or seasons on the harvest and sale of ginseng. I wonder if this will pose a problem when we attempt to sell it. Certainly our buyer(s) will be located out of state. Naturally, when the time comes we will be very apprehensive about getting ripped off.
Like a \"Johnny Appleseed,\" I've been carrying bag of seeds in my pocket every fall during hunting season and planting them in likely locations. I'd like someday to stumble upon a long-forgotten plant that had flourished for many years.
That's our story.
Shadow Man