No permit is required to harvest wild ginseng on private land in the state of Kentucky
The harvest season for wild ginseng in Kentucky is from August 15 to December 1
Kentucky state law requires all harvested ginseng plants to be at least 5 years old and to have at least 3 prongs.The Kentucky Department of Agriculture, serves as the state?s ginseng coordinator (502) 564-0290 These people can better answer some questions you may have concerning permits etc.
Read this information,
You do have to purchase a permit for the National Forest Lands prior to digging they will provide you with area site maps and cordnation.
Hope that helps a little with your idea of how to begin your hunting.Now about the other stuff.
Snakes - The best way to protect yourself from getting bit by a snake is to purchase a pair of snake leggings or snake boots.I prefer boots but look into both to see what you prefer before you purchase one of them.You can most likely go to a bass pro shop,or simalar stores to look at and purchase these,or just google them and many links will appear.
Bear - It is illegal to kill a black bear in the State of Ky so the best way to avoid them is do not go ginsenging,seriously,but if you are like me and must go any way no matter if you see a bear or not just remain calm and watch him/her closely of all the ones I have seen none of them have been aggresive towards me and most of the time they avoid you,but one could be aggresive tomorrow and I can not tell you what to do in that situwation,except this !! be prepared !! in whatever way you think you should.
Mountian Lion - The same as the Bear
Poison Ivy - Google Image poison ivy,,,poison oak and study closely what the leafs/vines look like and avoid them.If you by accident get in it you can purchase medicine over the counter at drug stores to help with the itching subscribed medicine is better.
If you want to learn another plant then Google Jewel weed images once you find it use the juice and apply it directly to the affected area.It works the best of all In my opinion.
Remember where you see poision ivy,if you get it your chances of finding Jewl weed is good around or near the poison ivy,oak.
Most public land you can hunt without a permit during the season,but never enter any posted or private owned land without talking to the owner.You will just have to ask people that you may see near posted or private land who the owner is and then proceed to get permission,some may let you,and some will not.It is a process and requires time.
The best place in my experience to begin hunting wild seng is to find Northern facing slopes and check them 1st for evidence and seng in that area,,( a good compass helps )if the ginseng is there then you may find it in other areas of the Mountian.If not I would move on to another area and repeat untill I found seng in a northern slope of a Mountian.Again in my experience if wild seng is not growing on the Northern part of the mountian then it most likely isent growing in closely related areas of that Mountian.Use that as a greneral rule of thumb,but never go by a realy good looking area without checking it,I have been plesently suprised on all 3 other different facing slopes
(south,east,west)but hardly ever if it is not on the Northern slops.
Now Jin I wish you the best of luck and hope you find a good area and dig sevral pounds of seng,and God bless you and your`s as well.