Wasn’t gonna do much digging until the heat and humidity went away this year but Hurricane Ida really took care of that. After 2 straight days of heavy rain it finally broke today and it was beautiful. I think the high today was 73 degrees and there was relatively no humidity so I took the opportunity to go to a new woods that I’ve been looking at for the past three years. It faced almost entirely north which is what got my attention. Anyways about 30 minutes into the hunt I started finding a little bit of bloodroot and a little later some blue cohosh was around but not longer after that my favorite companion plant out of all showed up, the old faithful Solomon Seal which to me is the best indicator of good soil for ginseng than any other. Well it wasn’t long after that I finally began to get into some nice ginseng. I dug a total of 20.8 ounces but the biggest blessing out of all was that this hunt was one of those when being in the woods is beautiful, it was nice and cool and the mosquitoes were no were to be found. I’ll bet I thanked the man upstairs at least a dozen times today for blessing me with such an amazing day doing something that I really love to do. You guys know how it is when you go into a new woods looking for ginseng rather than a spot that you already know it’s there. It’s a different level of excitement when you find some in an entirely new area. Anyways enough of my ranting. Good luck to everyone who goes out there and stay safe. You know as well as I do that the older we get the easier it is to fall out there and possibly get yourselves hurt. God bless all of you this year.