Bird Nerd, I am not familiar with Knox county but I do know your general area around the Wabash River. Spent some time up north of you at Indiana State in Terre Haute.
I actually live in Floyd County, but have extended family in Perry.
Perry County is actually bordered on the south by the Ohio river and is adjacent to Breckenridge and, I beilieve, Nelson County Kentucky.
Interesting point concerning MonsterQuest is that there was an episode entitled \"the hillbilly beast\" which focused on bigfoot sightings in Kentucky. The show dealt with an area that was close to the area we have here in question. If we go by \"as a crow flys\" this entire area is the same area, including Perry county. It is only seperated by political boundries.
I believe there is more than meets the eye concerning this creature. If you go to BFRO's site you will see that there have been many reported sightings in these areas. Those are just the repoted sightings, though. I am sure that many go unreported out of peoples fears of being
harassed. I know the people who have told me stories of their encounters would never dream of reporting them.
I personally believe that there is something \"other worldly\" about this animal. Not actually other worldly... very much a part of our world, just on another level of it.
In quantum physics there is a very scientifically based principle that kind of works off of what we percieve reality to be, it will be. We choose our reality by simply choosing or not choosing to perceive it through our five senses.
A good example of this is when Columbus came to the new world. The natives couldn't see his ships in the water, they could only see the ripples that the ships made in the water. I know you're probably saying, Huh? But, as it turns out, the natives didn't have the ships as part of their reality. It just wasn't wired into thier brains. So, one of the natives got curious and wondered what made the ripples. He stared at the ripples for a long time and finally a ship appeared before him. When he told the other natives about it, they too were able to finally see the ships. They were not percieving the reality of the ships. (you can check that story out on Youtube under a video entitled, \"What the bleep do we know.\")
I think we can pretty safely say that this can be applied to our bigfoot friend out there. I saw three very distict footprints perfectly formed from the ball of the heel to the five toes. What I saw was the same as the ripples that the natives saw in the water. I think it's possible that he could have been standing right in front of me and I could have not seen him. See, he's not wired into my brain as a reality. I've seen ripples, so now it may be possible that one day I'll be able to see the ship.
This is just a crazy way of saying that this creature is in and out of our reality. Do I believe that? Yes! And I'll tell you why:
I believe that, because the world we live in is a miracle. We often forget that. I'm out hunting ginseng and become so focused on the ginseng that I forget about the woods around me, I know it's there, but I sure don't see it. I don't take the time to be in awe of life and nature. I actually have to remind myself to see it and enjoy it. Just because I don't always see it doesn't mean that it isn't there.Does that make sense? I think the same thing applies to seeing things like sasquatch. maybe a little more on a spiritual level as opposed to just noticing the world around you, but on the same principle.
The bible says that there are those who have eyes but don't see, they have ears but do not hear. I think in some way we can apply it here, also.
There really is a miracle in nature. If you're interested you can look up the fibonacci sequence in nature. That's enough to blow your mind. By the way, the ginseng plant follows the sequence. But you can just walk out in the woods on any given day and see the miracle that was put here for us to enjoy.
Bigfoot, I believe is a real creature. I think the American Indians had it right to think that he is something that walks between worlds (which is the same world) and that he can't be seen in the same way as we see a deer or a racoon.
Maybe I went in a direction you wern't bargaining for but that's my take on it.