Unfortunately, The {CONSERVATION MOVEMENT }In the state of NC is out of control. Do not get me wrong Conservation is a good thing. However if they would change the laws and not allow Roots younger than 15 years to be sold it would help things . In the future any way. Most of the older large amount of seed producers are gone. I have noticed that a 3 prong 12 year old plant in this area will only make 3 berry's at the most a year. some 25+ year old plants make many more. That is with seeds that came from out of state and have never been fertilized in any way. If they changed the laws it would only leave us die hard hunters,That do it for enjoyment more than the money. Still hunting.As well as increase the value of what was collected.Poachers dig anything.Buyers apparently buy about anything as log as they can sell it. Just my 2 cents worth,don't mean to step on any toes.