Billy, I do remember that 10 leaf one stem plant you posted last fall, very unique. I would love to see a photo of the plant that huge root came off of. If you get one please post it thanks, what a nice root 7oz damn. Huntndig
huntndig I found out that I can get us a pictre of the big roots top when i go up to sell my seng ill post it.
yes sir i will never forget that 10 leaf plant I still am amazed at that one I have never found another digger that hasd ever saw one like it before out of all my friends.
Billy- Any idea as to ho they figured that up? as there really arent any bud scars visible that I can see. Ive encountered this myself when ive found big old 4-prongs with big roots but only a couple few bud scars and the roots gotta be older than 2-3 or 4 years old right?