Bloodroot was used historically by Native Americans for curative properties as an emetic, respiratory aid, and other treatments.In physician William Cook's 1869 work The Physiomedical Dispensatory is recorded a chapter on the uses and preparations of bloodroot,which described tinctures and extractions.Bloodroot extracts have also been promoted by some supplement companies as a treatment to help fight against certian cancers.
My personal observatin concerning this plant
Bloodroot is by far one of my favorite small roots to harvest.It grows plentyful in most areas so harvest is good most of the time.Bloodroot reproduces very well.It is easy to identify easy to dig and easy to clean and dry.A good digger who stays at work all day and then cleans and drys his Blood root will average from $65.00 to $150.00 a day when it is done and said the amount of reward has alot to do with the amount of time spent and the maturity of your roots.
I average $80.00 to 100.00 a day when I spend a full day with bloodroot but as you guys know I am slower than I used to be
a young man or a guy that still has a strong back can do very good with this root.
-NOTE- Always dry this root if you can because it pays alot better than most roots do wet verses dry.