I have been hunting and stewarding 2 tiny little woods that my uncles hunted and scatered seed some 35 years ago. These woods hadnt been hunted until I started hunting 8 years ago!!! It is plum FULL of big old seng! Well I decided to hunt one of these woods today. I started at first light and was h:ohmy: ad a decent morning. After I stoped for a quick bite to eat I started huntin the southern half and was HORRIFIED at what I began seeing!!! HOLES EVERYWHERE!

Most spots didnt have the plant still laying there but there were several that couldnt have been a day maybe two old. They dug EVERYTHING!!!! Even the small 2-3 yr old plants!! It even apears that after they found a plant they just started diging away at the surronding area finding near by roots as well!

At first I was angry (and still am!) When I saw the complete devestation an overwhelming sadness came over me! I informed the land owner of trespassers but its very rual with no one around for miles. I just dont quite know how to take all this!