That is the same weed! I looked it up online after I posted and it is called Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) but everyone I know calls them Fire Nettles. I have found quite a bit of seng growing under and amongst them. Just before Bow Season in October of 1990 (I believe), I found a thick patch of Fire Nettles growing on the end of a large finger ridge in West Virginia. The plants were as tall as me (6 foot, 1 1/2 inches) and had 3 and 4 prongs growing under and amongst them that were knee to waist high. There were so many flat tops and 2 prongs that you couldn't count them much less get to them, even if you wanted to due to the Fire Nettles. I had to use a big stick to knock the Fire Nettles over just to get through them. Twenty two (22) years has passed and I have not been back there since. I would bet that there are again some really nice 3 and 4 pronged plants grown up there now, so maybe next year I will take a trip up there to see! Besides, I have some old friends there that I have not seen in many years!