Trev I got something today that a friend of mine that digs ginseng brought me.I have been asking the boys all if they found one to bring it to me and make sure that they kept the root seperate.
Well today that happened.
You know how we like to experiment and know things about wild ginseng,well the curiosity of this has been bugging me for 2 or 3 years now,,, !!! Just call me Cat LoL !!!
Someone told me that just because a 5 prong was a 5 prong one season that it didnt mean that it would be the next season and I remember conversation pertaining to that thought on a old post hear on the site some time back.
Well i just dont know about that,why wouldnt it ?
Now im not saying that it will either but I do want to know the fact of it.
The root weighs close to 2 ounces and had a top over 30 inches the berry pod was awsome he said and the steam from the middle stuck up 10 inches or more he said above the leaves and with a root curl as big as this one has I believe him,and besides that I know him and he is ohnest anyway.
I want you to replant this root like you did those 5 last season because I just know you will marvel at the size of this top and the seed pod
Also I know that you will take car of it and as long as the good Lord lets us live I can see the top once in awhile and we can settle this debate also and see for ourselves if this 5 prong will be or will not be a 5 prong again.
What do you think ? Do you want to experiment with it & see ?